Youth Song Workshop
Always free, the Youth Song Workshop is a space for young creators to learn about self-expression through music and share original music in a supportive and inspiring atmosphere. Whether you have never played a note of music before or have already composed your own songs, if you are interested in using the language of music to express yourself, we welcome you.
Bring your song and your instrument or voice, or just bring yourself and we’ll get you started.
Need an instrument, can’t afford one? Contact us at the Guitar Tree and we will try to connect you to guitar.
The Workshop opens with a short creative warm-up and lesson, different each week.
The main course of the Workshop is a salon-format sharing of original work in a supportive environment, followed by group feedback. The Workshop teaches an intentional model of group sharing, listening, and response that allows participants to feel safe, seen, and inspired.
Following the learning and sharing portions of the workshop, we will have a semi-facilitated collective jam. All instruments and voices welcome, though guitar will be an instrument of choice for many. The facilitator may provide musical selections adapted to the musicians present.
The in-person Workshop and Jam are public offerings in a public space in Reid Park. Neither Reid Park nor the Youth Song Workshop/Karlyn Clarence assume liability for participants.
Participants in the online Workshop must register ahead of time.
We are a welcoming, non-judgmental space of inspiration, committed to uplifting the musical self-expression of all human beings, regardless of race, gender, sexuality, background, or any other marker of identity.
Who may attend the Youth Song Workshop?
Youth ages 14-18 may attend either the online workshop or the in-person workshop in Reid Park in Tucson. Online attendees must register ahead of time.
What instruments are allowed?
The Youth Song Workshop welcomes all instruments and the voice. If you need a guitar and can’t afford one, contact us at the Guitar Tree and will will attempt to source one for you.
Do you only allow songs that have words?
The Workshop has a special focus on songs with words. However, we absolutely do allow and encourage students to work in instrumental composition and we are happy mentor students to do so.
What about cover songs or learned pieces?
Though the Workshop focuses on the creation of original work, at this time we are also allowing students to share and workshop their creative versions of cover songs. The environment of YSW is conducive to helping students hone their individual creative contributions to the music they play (i.e., their interpretations).